Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Plans for the future: IB and Career

We are going to go loose this time: Just simply express your thoughts on the guidance you have received in terms of your IB program and your career planning. 
What have you learned from the process? Especially anything that has surprised you. 
What worries you about what you have learned? What excites you? 
What is your plan of attack? How are you going to use what you have learned? 

I never heard about the IB, before I came to the International School of Curitiba. I moved to Brazil 1 1/2 years ago and began to understand, what IB really meant. I was excited when I heard that with this diploma, you can go to other countries and study there, after you graduated. In Europe there are many Universities that accept the International Baccalaureate. I did not want to move to Brazil and now I have the opportunity to finish my school here and move back to Germany, to study there. The last weeks we had presentations about the International Baccalaureate (IB), where teachers explained to our class, how the IB works, what it requires and the benefits from it. There are six sections what the IB requires, which the following picture will show: 

I am worried about the hard time that it will take me to study and organize myself in IB. I hear a lot of opinions about the IB and I have to work a lot on my self organization. The IB requires every single percent of your self organization and of your will to do it. Also it will be a hard choice about choosing the courses because you have to take them two years and if you do not like a course you took then you have to rethink everything again, how to start the course and how to work on it. However there are good things, too. I am excited about courses. It will be very interesting, to see how they look like and how they work.

I personally think I will do good in the IB program, because of the good support that I receive from my school. Our college counselor Ms. Benaci made with us a program, where she explained us how the International Baccalaureate works and how to manage yourself. She gave us exercises and tests to do. We could see our scores in an online test we did, called MBTI. The score showed us, who kind of person we are and our potential jobs in the future. She also gave us exercises called Holland Code. We had to fill out experience sheets and 

sheets, where we had to talk about our pride experience

I will start attacking the IB with working in my self organization. I am not good at managing my time and I have to improve my studying skills. It will be a hard time for me, but a lot of people get the IB diploma, so I can do it, too.
I want to do my IB diploma, because it is my goal to move back to Germany and continue studying there. The IB gives me that opportunity and I am not going to miss that chance. I have friends that took their International Baccalaureate tests already and friends, who are going to take it this year. I will ask them for help and explanation, how to get better prepared for the IB. It is very exciting for me, because it means a lot for me, moving back to Germany.  

Useful Resources: