Thursday, April 30, 2015

How Media Provokes Stereotypical Sexist Thoughts

          Didn't it ever happen to you that between your favorite TV show or movie, they showed advertisements, where you thought:"Damn, that is pretty sexist."? Since the first sexist advertisement launched on TV, the idea and stereotype boomed in the media industry. Women and men, both genders, are victim of sexist stereotypical thoughts caused by media, Thoughts like women are supposed to be in the kitchen and men being hard working, ripped animals. As the video I posted here shows, the female gender suffers a lot in stereotypical sexist advertisements and movies in media..
          Every little girl's dream is to become a beautiful, wealthy disney princess at one part of its life. Though, the amazing disney princess role in the movies, covers up the most stereotypical sexist hints in between some scenes. As you can see from minute 00:00 to 00:20 in the video, the princess Snow White, is, while singing a beautiful song and harmonizing with the forest animals, cleaning the house for the 7 male dwarfs. Just to make it clear for everyone. One woman has to clean up for 7 healthy men that went to work to provide money for a living. It could be that the producers of this movie did not even have the intention to be sexist in some parts, though the image of women doing "women" stuff has burned itself in peoples heads over so many years, that it became kind of normal. From little on, children get introduced to sexist thoughts and behavior in their daily lives, which leads me to the next part of the video. Forwarding to 1:31 - 1:47, there is the perfect example of sexism in media represented by little children. You can see a little girl playing happily in a playhouse. In a playhouse that consists of a washing machine, changing table, cooker and a sink to wash dishes. I wonder, since when young girls do not like to watch TV in the living room or have a place in the house to craft things to play with. Instead of doing those things, the little girl sings:"I love when my laundry gets so clean". Hearing that, I had to chuckle because it is so ridiculously, stereotypical sexist. I worked in a kindergarten for a time and have a little sister, though I have never heard them saying such things as in the commercial. No wonder the society becomes more and more sexist if they get influenced by media since little on.